A book not owned by B.D. Owens Library or available through MOBIUS may be borrowed from other libraries. When it arrives, you'll be notified by Northwest e-mail. |
Magazine, newspaper, and journal articles not available via our databases or in our collection can be requested from other libraries. You will receive an email with article access information or a PDF attached.
ILL is not intended for extensive borrowing by individuals. Research topics should be selected according to the resources on hand and those resources should be exhausted before making an ILL request. If large numbers of items needed for a project are located at another library, arrangements should be made to use them at that library.
Northwest Missouri State University students, faculty, and staff are eligible to use ILL.
The lending library sets the loan period and any other restrictions on the use of materials. Requests for renewals must be submitted to the ILL Coordinator (at the Library Services Desk or ill@5054k.com ) at least two days prior to the due date. Renewal requests may be denied by the lending library, the ILL Coordinator will contact you with all updates.
Using ILL is often free but lending libraries sometimes charge borrowers for ILL services. Owens Library will cover the cost of an ILL up to $20 for students, faculty, or staff using the service with the remainder being passed on to the borrower if the cost exceeds $20. If the cost does exceed $20, the borrower will be notified and given the options of cancelling the request or accepting the excess charge. Payments can only be accepted in cash or check at the Library Services Desk. ILLs with these excess charges will not be released to the borrower until the charge is paid in full. Charges will still be applied if the borrower cancels the request after confirming that they will accept the charges and the ILL request is processed.
The length of time between the request and delivery of materials depends on the location and the method of delivery utilized by the lending library. Each ILL request will be processed as quickly as possible. Please allow at least two weeks for delivery.
Since its founding in 1998, the library consortium MOBIUS has transformed library services for the citizens of Missouri. The consortium’s purpose is to share library materials, information, and services using accessible, cost-effective methods. Today, the MOBIUS Union Catalog has expanded to include more than 25 million items, serving over 1.5 million people from the higher education community and the state of Missouri.
Contact ILL@5054k.com